Augustine Hill
The Project
Model Works was appointed (by Edward Holdings and Summix) to prepare the (1) the Landscape/Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment (EIAR chapter), (2) Verified Photomontages and (3) CGI views for the planning application for an ambitious high density urban quarter adjacent to Ceannt Station and the docklands area in Galway city centre.
Client Team
Edward Holdings
Verified Photomontages
Project Date

The project has the potential to change the character of the city, by introducing a contemporary mixed use quarter comprising hundreds of apartments, hotels and office buildings, cultural and entertainment facilities, retail, F&B, and a network of new pedestrian streets and spaces.
The site's inclusion of a number of protected structures, the scale of the development (in spatial extent and building height) and its location (close to sensitive receptors such as the medieval city and Eyre Square) meant that particular care was needed in carrying out the TVIA - to identify and assess the wide range of potential impacts on the townscape and views. We collaborated with town planning consultant and EIA coordinator Stephen Little & Associates, and liaised with Galway City Council, to ensure that the TVIA was comprehensive and could withstand a high level of scrutiny in the planning process.
We prepared photomontages for over 60 viewpoints across the city, from close-up to kilometers distant, in recognition of the likely long range visibility of tall buildings in the heretofore low-rise, coastal city. These were critical in persuading the planning autorities that while the development would be transformative for the city as a whole, key sensitivities such as the medieval core would experience very limited impact, or only positive impact through the introduction of new buildings and public realm of exceptional design quality.
We collaborated with BDP's impressive team of architects and landscape architects in the production of a large number of CGI views, showing the restored and repurposed protected structures, the diverse architecture of the new buildings, vibrant new streets and public spaces, as well as interior views of the retail centre, residential buildings, etc.

The development was permitted by Galway City Council (with certain elements conditioned out, to be the subject of further applications) and the decision was upheld by An Bord Pleanala following appeal.
The project is an example of Model Works's breadth of expertise, capacity to undertake large, complex projects, and commitment to the highest quality outputs and good outcomes for our clients.